Applies make_spatial_fold()
to every record in a data frame xy.selected
to generate as many spatially independent folds over the dataset xy
as rows are in xy.selected
data = NULL, = NULL,
xy.selected = NULL,
xy = NULL,
distance.step.x = NULL,
distance.step.y = NULL,
training.fraction = 0.75,
n.cores = parallel::detectCores() - 1,
cluster = NULL
Data frame with a response variable and a set of predictors. Default: NULL
Character string with the name of the response variable. Must be in the column names of data
. Default: NULL
Data frame with at least three columns: "x" (longitude), "y" (latitude), and "id" (integer, id of the record). Usually a subset of xy
. Usually the result of applying thinning()
or thinning_til_n()
to 'xy' Default: NULL
data frame with at least three columns: "x" (longitude), "y" (latitude), and "id" (integer, index of the record). Default: NULL
Numeric, distance step used during the growth in the x axis of the buffers defining the training folds. Default: NULL
(1/1000th the range of the x coordinates).
Numeric, distance step used during the growth in the y axis of the buffers defining the training folds. Default: NULL
(1/1000th the range of the y coordinates).
numeric, fraction of the data to be included in the growing buffer as training data, Default: 0.75
Integer, number of cores to use for parallel execution. Creates a socket cluster with parallel::makeCluster()
, runs operations in parallel with foreach
and %dopar%
, and stops the cluster with parallel::clusterStop()
when the job is done. Default: parallel::detectCores() - 1
A cluster definition generated with parallel::makeCluster()
. If provided, overrides n.cores
. When cluster = NULL
(default value), and model
is provided, the cluster in model
, if any, is used instead. If this cluster is NULL
, then the function uses n.cores
instead. The function does not stop a provided cluster, so it should be stopped with parallel::stopCluster()
afterwards. The cluster definition is stored in the output list under the name "cluster" so it can be passed to other functions via the model
argument, or using the %>%
pipe. Default: NULL
A list with as many slots as rows are in xy.selected
. Each slot has two slots named training
and testing
, with the former having the indices of the training records selected from xy, and the latter having the indices of the testing records.
#loading example data
#getting case coordinates
xy <- plant_richness_df[, 1:3]
colnames(xy) <- c("id", "x", "y")
#thining til 20 cases
xy.selected <- thinning_til_n(
xy = xy,
n = 20
#making spatial folds centered on these 20 cases
out <- make_spatial_folds(
xy.selected = xy.selected,
xy = xy,
distance.step = 0.05, #degrees
training.fraction = 0.6,
n.cores = 1
#plotting training and testing folds
plot(xy[ c("x", "y")], type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "")
#plots training points
points(xy[out[[10]]$training, c("x", "y")], col = "red4", pch = 15)
#plots testing points
points(xy[out[[10]]$testing, c("x", "y")], col = "blue4", pch = 15)
#plots xy.i
points(xy[10, c("x", "y")], col = "black", pch = 15, cex = 2)