Data Frame to Distance Matrix
- df
(required, data frame) Data frame with numeric columns to transform into a distance matrix. Default: NULL
- name_column
(optional, column name) Column naming individual time series. Numeric names are converted to character with the prefix "X". Default: NULL
- distance
(optional, character vector) name or abbreviation of the distance method. Valid values are in the columns "names" and "abbreviation" of the dataset distances. Default: "euclidean".
#compute distance matrix
#on data frame with latlong coordinates
m <- distance_matrix(
df = fagus_coordinates,
name_column = "name",
distance = "euclidean"
#get data used to compute the matrix
#> x y
#> 1 -2.857322 43.17743
#> 2 7.517013 49.32505
#> 3 12.995025 56.40471
#check matrix
#> Spain Germany Sweden
#> Spain 0.00000 12.059027 20.646017
#> Germany 12.05903 0.000000 8.951548
#> Sweden 20.64602 8.951548 0.000000
#> attr(,"type")
#> [1] "distance"
#> attr(,"distance")
#> [1] "euclidean"
#> attr(,"df")
#> x y
#> 1 -2.857322 43.17743
#> 2 7.517013 49.32505
#> 3 12.995025 56.40471
#compare with sf
# library(sf)
# #remove crs to get results in degrees
# sf::st_crs(fagus_coordinates) <- NA
# #distance matrix in degrees
# sf::st_distance(
# x = fagus_coordinates
# )