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Given an sf data frame with geometry types POLYGON, MULTIPOLYGON, or POINT representing time series locations, this function transforms the output of distantia(), distantia_ls(), distantia_dtw() or distantia_time_delay() to an sf data frame.

If network = TRUE, the sf data frame is of type LINESTRING, with edges connecting time series locations. This output is helpful to build many-to-many dissimilarity maps (see examples).

If network = FALSE, the sf data frame contains the geometry in the input sf argument. This output helps build one-to-many dissimilarity maps.


distantia_spatial(df = NULL, sf = NULL, network = TRUE)



(required, data frame) Output of distantia() or distantia_time_delay(). Default: NULL


(required, sf data frame) Points or polygons representing the location of the time series in argument 'df'. It must have a column with all time series names in df$x and df$y. Default: NULL


(optional, logical) If TRUE, the resulting sf data frame is of time LINESTRING and represent network edges. Default: TRUE


sf data frame (LINESTRING geometry)


tsl <- distantia::tsl_initialize(
  x = distantia::covid_prevalence,
  name_column = "name",
  time_column = "time"
) |>
  names = c(

df_psi <- distantia::distantia_ls(
  tsl = tsl

#network many to many
sf_psi <- distantia::distantia_spatial(
  df = df_psi,
  sf = distantia::covid_counties,
  network = TRUE

#network map
# mapview::mapview(
#   distantia::covid_counties,
#   col.regions = NA,
#   alpha.regions = 0,
#   color = "black",
#   label = "name",
#   legend = FALSE,
#   map.type = "OpenStreetMap"
# ) +
#   mapview::mapview(
#     sf_psi_subset,
# = "Psi",
#     label = "edge_name",
#     zcol = "psi",
#     lwd = 3
#   ) |>
#   suppressWarnings()