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A Time Series List (tsl for short) is a named list of zoo time series. This type of object, not defined as a class, is used throughout the distantia package to contain time series data ready for processing and analysis.

The structure and values of a tsl must fulfill several general conditions:


  • List names match the attributes "name" of the zoo time series.

  • Zoo time series must have at least one shared column name.

  • The index (as extracted by zoo::index()) of all zoo objects must be of the same class (either "Date", "POSIXct", "numeric", or "integer").

  • The "core data" (as extracted by zoo::coredata()) of univariate zoo time series must be of class "matrix".

Values (optional, when full = TRUE):

  • All time series have at least one shared numeric column.

  • There are no NA, Inf, or NaN values in the time series.

This function analyzes a tsl without modifying it to returns messages describing what conditions are not met, and provides hints on how to fix most issues.


tsl_diagnose(tsl = NULL, full = TRUE)



(required, list of zoo time series) Time series list to diagnose. Default: NULL


(optional, logical) If TRUE, a full diagnostic is triggered. Otherwise, only the data structure is tested. Default: TRUE




#creating three zoo time series

#one with NA values
x <- zoo_simulate(
  name = "x",
  cols = 1,
  na_fraction = 0.1

#with different number of columns
#wit repeated name
y <- zoo_simulate(
  name = "x",
  cols = 2

#with different time class
z <- zoo_simulate(
  name = "z",
  cols = 1,
  time_range = c(1, 100)

#adding a few structural issues

#changing the column name of x
colnames(x) <- c("b")

#converting z to vector
z <- zoo::zoo(
  x = runif(nrow(z)), = zoo::index(z)

#storing zoo objects in a list
#with mismatched names
tsl <- list(
  a = x,
  b = y,
  c = z

#running full diagnose
  tsl = tsl,
  full = TRUE
#> distantia::tsl_diagnose(): issues in TSL structure:
#> ---------------------------------------------------
#>   - core data of univariate zoo time series must be of class 'matrix': use lapply(tsl, distantia::zoo_vector_to_matrix) to fix this issue.
#>   - list and time series names must match and be unique: reset names with distantia::tsl_names_set().
#>   - missing column names in zoo time series: use distantia::tsl_colnames_set() to rename columns as needed.
#>   - no shared column names across time series: use distantia::tsl_colnames_get() and distantia::ts_colnames_set() to identify and rename columns as needed.
#>   - time in all time series must be of the same class: use lapply(tsl, function(x) class(zoo::index(x))) to identify and remove or modify the objects with a mismatching class.
#> distantia::tsl_diagnose(): issues in TSL values:
#> --------------------------------------------------
#>   - there are NA, Inf, -Inf, or NaN cases in the time series: interpolate or remove them with distantia::tsl_handle_NA().